Masorah$505623$ - перевод на голландский
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Masorah$505623$ - перевод на голландский

Masora; Mesorah; Mesora; Massorah; Masorah (disambiguation); Massora; Mesorah (disambiguation)

n. Masora collectie van commentaren op de hebreeuwse tekst van het O.T. dat tussen de 7-de en 10-de eeuw voor Christus gehoor deed geven (wordt beschouwd als deskundige van uitspraak en grammatica)


·noun A Jewish critical work on the text of the Hebrew Scriptures, composed by several learned rabbis of the school of Tiberias, in the eighth and ninth centuries.



Masorah or Mesorah (Hebrew: מסורה) refers either to the transmission of Jewish religious tradition, or to the tradition itself, and may refer to:

  • The Hebrew vowel points also known as niqqud.
  • Masoretic Text, the authoritative text of the Tanakh for Rabbinic Judaism
  • Masoretes, scribes who passed down the Masoretic text
  • Masortim or Shomer Masores, meaning "traditional", semi-observant Jews in Israel
  • "Masorti Judaism" since 1990, another name for Conservative Judaism
  • "Mesora", a variant pronunciation for "Metzora (parashah)"
  • "Mesorah Publications Ltd.", publishers of ArtScroll
  • Torah Umesorah – National Society for Hebrew Day Schools, a Haredi American educational network
  • Masora River - a small river in Mahanoro District, Atsinanana, Madagascar